
Pom-pom Necklace

It has been raining non-stop in Colorado and I love it, but the lighting sort of turns me off. After it stopped raining I went out to shoot my photos and I was praying that I wasn't going to get struck by lighting after my mom told me that she knew two people who did get struck by lighting. For this outfit I'm wearing a thrifted jacket, bullhead jeans, Sugar boots, leather coach bag, and my new pom pom necklace that I put together in like 5 minutes. I've had these pom poms since like 3rd grade and I couldn't making them (I had a pom pom making kit). After they sat in a box for like 8 years I finally discovered them and made a necklace out of them.

The little key chain that is on my coach bag is from China and it is a froggy head


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