
Who Says?

For this strange and bizarre outfit I'm probably wearing the most designer things that I have of , well actually that's a lie, I think. Anyway, I'm wearing my new and amazing Louis Vuitton shirt that I got for a great price!! I"m also wearing a skirt from Wetseal and my Prada shoes

I also got these shoes for a great price of $35.00! Who says consignment stores are crap?! I don't think so!


  1. I really want those purple shoes...they are the shit!!!

  2. which consignment store didja go to? i know it's weird to ask b/c we don't live in the same place, ergo, there are diff stores but i'm so new to this. i've only thrifted for a total of 5 times. 3 of those times were at Value Village, and not technically thrifting either... :3


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